Drakes Supermarkets Electronic Trading Initiative – we value your participation

Drakes Supermarkets  is committed to the continual improvement in business processes and enhancement of capabilities with supplier partners. With recent investments made into our IT, logistics and supply chain systems, we are looking to collaborate more effectively with our valued suppliers through the electronic exchange of key business transactions. Our electronic trading initiative will increase order accuracy, reduce errors and will allow for improved visibility into the procure to pay processes. Our constant endeavor to better align with our supplier partners, we believe, will ultimately help us both enhance operating efficiencies, continue to deliver exceptional value to our customers as well as sustain growth. 

Learn how our co-partners for this electronic trading initiative, SPS Commerce & Portalink, can help you meet our requirements.

Golf Town

Roger Drake
Managing Director
Drakes Supermarkets

Program Requirements

Electronic Order Fulfillment

Benefits & Deadlines

Project Milestones & Key Drivers

Next Steps

Contact SPS to get started

Supporting Materials

EDI specifications for technical mapping

We need your support to streamline &  grow our mutual business

Moving to electronic order fulfilment will allow us to deliver on our goal to have the right product in the right place at the right time, while also positioning us, as well as our supplier partners, to be more competitive in today’s evolving landscape. Rather than accommodate multiple different methods for order processing, we will have a standardised solution that will enable us to capture critical business information and allow us to quickly respond to changes.

SPS Commerce & Portalink are our co-partners on this project

They’ve assisted us in designing our new order requirements and will provide support to ensure this process is implemented successfully by us and our supplier community.

SPS Commerce - Who we are and what we do

SPS Commerce works with retailers to unify their business and meet the expectations of today’s consumers. Our cloud-based solutions help retailers facilitate transparent and collaborative partnerships with their suppliers, brokers, carriers and 3PLs. All parties can then be assured they have the tools needed to exchange required information, such as order details, item information or sales data.

Portalink - Who we are and what we do

Portalink is an innovative company that provides data automation bridges between Trading Partners with disparate systems. Since founding the business in 2007, it has been our mission to transform the way businesses transact with their trading partners, particularly in the exchange of purchase orders, invoices and product data.

Program requirements:

We’re asking you to work with our enablement partners, SPS Commerce & Portalink, to utilise one of their solutions to meet our new electronic requirements. They will offer services to help you exchange these transactions with us, no matter your current electronic trading capabilities.

  • If you require integration to your backend systems or already have an existing EDI solution in place, please contact SPS Commerce.
  • If you would like to start with a portal based solution, please contact Drakes and we will work with Portalink to get you setup on the Drakes Connect system. 

Program Benefits:


Improve order fulfilment and accuracy with an automated method of receiving and managing orders.


Reduce manual processing, errors and delays. Improve order to payment cycles.


Enhance operating efficiencies and maximise customer experience.

Process and deadlines:



Connect with SPS Commerce to understand the changes we’re making and decide which solution works best for your business to meet our new requirements. Have all paperwork completed and your commitment to move forward in place within 4 weeks.



Work to ensure that your business is setup, certified and staged for production within 6 weeks of commitment. Your dedicated SPS Commerce Consultant will help you through the process.



We will work with you to develop a strategy to transition into production and begin to realise the benefits of this project.

Commitment Timeline:

4 weeks

Production Timeline:

6 weeks


Your action is required. Here’s your next step.

To get started contact SPS Commerce

Work with your assigned SPS/ Drakes Connect representative and formalise your commitment to the EDI initiative by signing the required paperwork by the Commitment Date.

Watch our informational webinar.

Roger Drake, Managing Director of Drakes Supermarkets along with James Moroney, Director of APAC Sales at SPS and Tim Pope, CEO of Portalink provided further details on this initiative during an informational webcast on 15th April, 2019.



ORDERS Purchase Order Message
ORDRSP Purchase Order Response Message
DESADV Despatch Advice Message
INVOIC Invoice Message
CONTRL Syntax & Service Report Message
GS1 Shipping Label Logistics (SSCC) Label Specifications
Supplier Compliance Guide Outlines EDI Compliance Requirements & Business Rules