Pet Circle
Electronic Order Fulfillment Initiative

Pet Circle is committed to continually improving our business processes and has a strong focus on enhancing the capabilities and ways that we work with our valued supplier partners.

Our constant endeavors to better align with our supplier partners, we believe, will ultimately help us enhance our mutual operating efficiencies and continue to deliver exceptional value to our customers and supplier partners as we continue to grow exponentially.

We are looking to further strengthen our partnership and collaboration with our valued supplier partners to maximise efficiencies for both parties.

Learn how our Enablement Partner, SPS Commerce, can help you move forward with this strategic initiative. We value your support & participation in this important change!


Michael Frizell
Founder & CEO
Pet Circle

Jon Wild
Chief Growth and Marketing Officer
Pet Circle

Program Requirements

Electronic Order Fulfillment

Benefits & Deadlines

Project Milestones & Key Drivers

Next Steps

Watch informational webinar or contact SPS to get started

Supporting Materials

EDI specifications for technical mapping

We need your support to streamline our mutual business:

Moving to electronic order fulfillment will allow us to accurately issue orders, accept invoices, communicate changes, and streamline our receiving process. This strategy will ensure Pet Circle has all the tools in place to continue to grow our business with our supplier partners in the most efficient and effective manner for both parties.

We have partnered with SPS Commerce for this project.

SPS have assisted us in designing our order requirements and will provide ongoing support to ensure this process is implemented successfully by us and our supplier partners.

SPS Commerce - Who we are and what we do.
SPS Commerce works with retailers to unify their business and meet the expectations of today’s consumers. Our cloud-based solutions help retailers facilitate transparent and collaborative partnerships with their suppliers, brokers, carriers and 3PLs. All parties can then be assured they have the tools needed to exchange required information, such as order details, item information or sales data.

Program requirements:

We’re asking you to work with SPS Commerce to select one of the following solutions to meet our electronic order requirements. SPS offers services to help us exchange information, no matter your current technical capabilities.

Select Your EDI Solution:


SPS Commerce’s Fulfillment service is an excellent solution if you do not have an EDI system in place today, or if you are unable to meet our business needs through your current EDI service.

Testing & Certification

The SPS Commerce Testing service allows you to meet our business requirements using your existing EDI solution or third party provider.

Program Benefits:


Improve order fulfillment and accuracy with an automated method of receiving and managing orders.


Expedite sharing of business critical information with electronic communications.


Increase speed to market by enabling faster processing, thereby maximising customer experience.

Process and deadlines:



Connect with SPS Commerce to understand the changes we’re making and decide on a solution that works best for your company to meet our new requirements. Have all paperwork completed and your commitment to move forward in place before the Commitment Date.



Work to ensure that your business is certified and staged for production by the Production Ready Date. Your dedicated SPS Commerce Consultant will help you through the process, no matter which solution you choose.



We will work with you to develop a strategy to transition into production and begin to realise the benefits of this project.

Commitment Date:

2nd August, 2024

Production Ready Date:

13th September, 2024


Your action is required. Here’s your next step.

To get started contact SPS Commerce.

Work with your assigned SPS representative and formalise your commitment to this initiative by signing the required paperwork by 2nd August, 2024

Watch our informational webinar.

Jon Wild, Chief Growth and Marketing Officer at Pet Circle has shared a brief video discussing the EDI initiative and the benefits it has provided so far. 

Supporting Documentation – EDI Message Implementation Guides (MIGS)

ORDERS Purchase Order Message
ORDRSP Purchase Order Response Message
DESADV Despatch Advice Message
SSCC Label GSI Logistics & Shipping Label
INVOIC Invoice Message
CONTRL Syntax & Service Report Message
Delivery Docket Physical document accompanying the goods. Lists the description and quantity of the goods delivered
Supplier Compliance Guide Business Rules and EDI Compliance Requirements
Pet Circle Flow Diagram Provides information on next steps once a supplier accepts or rejects a PO from Pet Circle
DC List Contains DC Location details – GLN, Location Type/Name and Addresses